why cant be shown ????
70.Re: (untitled) |
名前:Ura 日付:3月10日(水) 9時30分 |
wavydoomさん、おはよございます。 画像アップで何度も、お手間を取らせたようで、すみません。 よくわかりませんが、タグを使えない設定にしているからでしょうか。
桜の画像を、ありがとうございます。 アップにされた一輪の花びらが綺麗ですね。 モノトーンの白っぽい背景も、ほのかな花びらの色の表現に良く合っていると思います。
きょうはありがとうございました。 懲りずにまた、おいで下さい。
71.Re: (untitled) |
名前:wavydoom 日付:3月10日(水) 12時13分 |
多谢赐教 关于樱花,我还是第一次拍,不知道该如何表现樱花的白 所以背景色选择白色,已经有朋友提出过异议,所以奉上一张背景色为安色调的,同时希望您能指点一下,到底樱花要如何拍摄。
thanks for adv. about
樱, this is my first time to see it and shot it, so I dont know how to
express the white of 樱,so I choose the white background color,and my
friend said it's not right to use white-bgcolor,so,I wonder how to make
a good photo of the 樱花。
And,here is a dark bg-color of mine.
72.Re: (untitled) |
名前:Ura 日付:3月10日(水) 18時58分 |
う〜ん、中国語も英語も出来ませんので、日本語で、返信致します。 この花の楚々とした感じは、暗色よりも明色背景の方が表現出来ると思います。黒背景の写真に関しては、脇役のぼかした花が少々うるさく感じますが、如何でしょう。色々、勝手なことを言ってすみません。
75.Re: (untitled) |
名前:wavydoom 日付:3月11日(木) 20時37分 |
am so sorry about the langrage problem, I dont know japanese, and used
to there is a japanese girl teach me Japanese, but, I dont know why she
had never use that msn accont anymore. I am so sad about that, I dont
want to lose a friend.
you know, without a friend, there will be no happyness to say.
and also I dont know if that all because I am a Chinese. sorry.
I will learn some basic Japanese in these days, and I think that can makes us chat esaier.ok,and, its my new photos:
76.Re: (untitled) |
名前:RYOKO 日付:3月11日(木) 21時16分 |
Good evening, is it a very good photograph!! A cherry tree is beautiful.
Where was a photograph taken?
Is it a Chinese cherry tree?
77.Re: (untitled) |
名前:wavydoom 日付:3月12日(金) 0時18分 |
hello RYOKO ! Good night!こんにちは。初めまして。魏と申します(find in internet ^^)至らぬ者ですが,以後お見知りおきを。
Yes, it is a Chinese cherry tree, it is white. I live in Chang-Sha in HuNan provence.
you imagine how exiting I were when I see the cherry tree ? This is my
first time to see the cherry tree. And in my opinion: the cherry tree
is one of the most romans tree, and it only in Japan, so when I was
child, it gives me too many beautiful dream, and before that day I
photo it, I only saw it in the Japanese Carton book :) or on
internet(these years).
So, when I saw it, I over inebrietied!!
how beautiful it is : just like the sky gives us the flower.
本当に感動させられます。That day I'm so happy! And I dicide to see it next year,
and I hope them can grow more big and its flowers be more beautiful.
my friend tell me that the pink flower is the real Japanese cherry
tree, so that day I find over all the park, and just find a small one
of it , and I dont know if it is , looks like peach tree, and I photo
it also just considered it is a cherry tree.
my english is not so good, hope you like it. ^^ ご返事賜ればかたじけなく存じます。
79.Re: (untitled) |
名前:RYOKO 日付:3月12日(金) 21時43分 |
Today's picture is also uncanny!! Too, was it a Chinese cherry tree? Does Mr. Miura's homepage have a very good photograph? How were you known in the homepage here? Is it convenient that the man in the world can see? Excuse me, with what is a name read?
81.Re: (untitled) |
名前:wavydoom 日付:3月13日(土) 20時48分 |
Yes,it is a Chinese Cherry tree, but it's not so big enough, so the Cherry is not more as yours Country.
I know your website just from Yahoo.co.jp's search.
And I'm sure that people in China can see this website.
And there is many good photo in the main page, I like them.
And,,,,this is my new pics ^^ hope you like it ^^
My name is wei wei dong(in Chinese Pin-Yin's pronangsation)